Our Mission
We are aiming to provide an advance tools in assisting safety practitioner utilize their task with the best program. Our ultimate goal to help client reducing the workplace incident rates with complying the statutory obligations.
Welcome to the Integrated Safety Inspection System (I.S.I.S)
We have designed a web-based system that should be fast, efficient, and responsive to the needs of the safety practitioner fulfilling their routine task.
Our on-line system should speed up to analyze the performance of your workplace safety and health condition. To activate as a user, you need to register and get your own username. As a registered user, most inspection criteria for your workplace are accessible and you are enabling to carry out on-line safety inspection. This program will provide the appropriate tools to assess the hazardous place of your working area. Once the information is submitted, it will be processed and verified. Performance analysis will be visualized and accommodate your task requirement.
For your further understanding, let join us as a trial user and you will entitle as a temporary subscriber and enable to access the system for one month period and definitely it is FREE! Hence, you will have your own perception on the effectiveness of this program.
Once your registration is success, visit our home page for more information about our ISIS such as rationale or benefits of this program, system component, process execution and analysis requirement. We are sure that this program will facilitate your needs as a safety and health practitioner.
We hope you find this process increases efficiency and is simple to use. As an expertise in the safety and health fields, we knew your need, hence we are here to serve you.
Click here for more information; or,
Click here to register as a member
Our Mission
We are aiming to provide an advance tools in assisting safety practitioner utilize their task with the best program. Our ultimate goal to help client reducing the workplace incident rates with complying the statutory obligations.
Welcome to the Integrated Safety Inspection System (I.S.I.S)
We have designed a web-based system that should be fast, efficient, and responsive to the needs of the safety practitioner fulfilling their routine task.
Our on-line system should speed up to analyze the performance of your workplace safety and health condition. To activate as a user, you need to register and get your own username. As a registered user, most inspection criteria for your workplace are accessible and you are enabling to carry out on-line safety inspection. This program will provide the appropriate tools to assess the hazardous place of your working area. Once the information is submitted, it will be processed and verified. Performance analysis will be visualized and accommodate your task requirement.
For your further understanding, let join us as a trial user and you will entitle as a temporary subscriber and enable to access the system for one month period and definitely it is FREE! Hence, you will have your own perception on the effectiveness of this program.
Once your registration is success, visit our home page for more information about our ISIS such as rationale or benefits of this program, system component, process execution and analysis requirement. We are sure that this program will facilitate your needs as a safety and health practitioner.
We hope you find this process increases efficiency and is simple to use. As an expertise in the safety and health fields, we knew your need, hence we are here to serve you.
Click here for more information; or,
Click here to register as a member